2018 CES 參展資訊 |CES 2018
We are pleased to announce that altek Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at the 2018 International CES. We sincerely invite you to visit our showroom, where we will display our pioneering works on digital imaging technologies, including:
New Precision Real-time 3D depth chip and Active Stereo Camera. Altek is the worldwide first depth camera solution provider on smartphone. Altek’s 1st generation 3D depth ISP has been integrated on Huawei’s flagship model and others. Building upon this success, we are proud to announce our new 2nd generation depth-sensing chip with enhanced resolution, quality and active stereo cameras. With this advanced real-time 3D depth, we actually create 3D stereo world for various devices such as IoT, smart home assistants, security and autonomous vehicle systems.
Smart living with AI Deep Learning. Altek is bringing AI to every edge device. We will demonstrate latest deep learning engine capable of trained object recognition including face and human form detection, etc. This chip is designed to put in edge camera with small footprint, low power consumption, and added intelligence using deep learning technology.
6K live broadcasting VR360 camera. Altek, with more than 15 years camera design and manufacturing experience, is closely cooperated with Qualcomm on IoT camera devices. We will show this world first 6K VR360 camera using Qualcomm’s latest RedDragon Chip.